Its important that we support international protection for dolphins because dolphins are still being captured for captive marine mammal parks that continue to be created in many countries around the world. When you visit or support any park that has captive dolphins, you are supporting the idea that its okay to hold these advanced animals captive – and the idea that it is okay is fueling the creation of new captive dolphin parks. Its time for this tragic practice to be part of our unfortunate past.
We kept dolphins captive before we understood that they are magnificent animals that deserve to live free in the ocean with their families. And, now that we know, we need to protect all dolphins from human harm and captivity, and we need to move currently captive dolphins to enclosed ocean sanctuaries, where they can once again experience the ocean and where they can be taken care of for the rest of their lives. The Whale Sanctuary Project is building a model sanctuary where captive whales and dolphins can be rehabilitated and where they can live permanently in their natural environment.